Ondertussen in Tjernobyl

Op zoek naar een avontuurlijke vakantiebestemming? Volg het voorbeeld van Trey Ratcliff. Hij belandde in Tjernobyl. Ruim twintig jaar na de ontploffing in de kerncentrale doe je er uiteraard nog steeds wel goed aan om een Geiger-teller in je koffer te stoppen. Enkele fragmenten uit zijn reisverslag:
I spent the day in Chernobyl. One of my Kiev game dev friends hooked me up with a private tour, so I decided to go for the day to check it out. Every woman in my life told me this was a bad idea. Every man said it sounded awesome. It was awesome.
Although I really usually fair better when I listen to the women. For the guys, here is a picture of me holding a Geiger counter at the main reactor.We checked the Geiger counter because this area was supposed to still have a significant amount of caesium-137, which takes a good 300 years to dissipate to safe levels.
It was around 0.054, so we decided to keep moving. Now we started heading for the main power plant complex. We stopped in something he called the RAD forest that had an old Chernobyl sign that was kitschy and interesting. 0.290 on the screen. He looked at me, “We should leave quickly.â€