De Italiaanse filmmaker Rino Stefano Tagliafierro heeft een imponerende animatie gemaakt waarin honderden jaren kunstgeschiedenis bijna letterlijk tot leven komt. In de korte film heeft Tagliafierro honderd klassieke schilderijen geanimeerd. Door de personages in de schilderijen te laten bewegen probeert Tagliafierro “het sentiment van het schilderij” weer te geven.
“In this interpretation by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro, this beauty is brought back to the expressive force of gestures that he springs from the immobility of canvas, animating a sentiment lost to the fixedness masterpieces. Its as though these images which the history of art has consigned to us as frozen movement can today come back to life thanks to the fire of digital invention.
A series of well selected images from the tradition of pictorial beauty are appropriated, (from the renaissance to the symbolism of the late 1800s, through Mannerism, Pastoralism, Romanticism and Neo-classicism) with the intention of retracing the sentiment beneath the veil of appearance.”